4 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Psoriasis

How To Get Rid Of Psoriasis

Learning how to get rid of psoriasis requires knowing its true cause. Psoriasis is an autoimmune sickness that affects the skin. It happens when the immune system misidentifies the skin cells as pathogens. It will then send wrong signals that hasten the growth cycle of the skin, particularly its cells. Therefore it is not just a skin disease but a symptom that something is not right within your body.

The causes of psoriasis are not fully understood that is why treatment has been limited to topical solutions that address the condition on its surface. Most medications for psoriasis are made for the skin to stop inflammation, itching, flaking and all the other things that it does to the skin. At present, there are two major theories that explain the origin of the disease.

The first hypothesis considers that psoriasis is a disorder that causes the skin cells to reproduce excessively. With this theory though, the problem is seen as the failure of the epidermis, particularly its keratinocytes to function properly. The second hypothesis says that the disease is an immune-mediated disorder wherein the T-cells migrate to the dermis and cause the release of cytokines that cause the rapid reproduction and inflammation of skin cells. It is not known, however, what activates the T-cells.

Tips for Getting Rid of Psoriasis

Tip # 1. Bathing – Bathing is the simplest way to reduce the inflammation and redness in the skin. Knowing that the problems associated with it can be reduced by bathing is a great relief. And to optimize the positive effects of bathing, make sure to take a dip in salt water. This is how to get rid of psoriasis fast.

The Dead Sea is famous in the world not just because of its reputation as one of the world’s saltiest lakes. Its salinity has therapeutic effects. People around the Middle East and some parts of the world take a dip in the lake to cure some diseases including psoriasis. You do not have to fly there, though, because you can certainly have fun in our local beaches.

Bathing can also refer to balneotherapy, a treatment that uses water from natural thermal springs. A handful of minerals make this treatment more effective.

Tip #2. Sunlight – More than 80% of psoriasis patients report improvement after regularly exposing their skin to sunlight. If you combine this with water treatment, you can expect to soften and lessen the lesions. Just make sure not to stay out in the sun later than 9am up to 4pm. The positive effects of sunlight can be reinforced by water treatment. So practically, having a week of vacation on a beach can certainly help.

If you live in a place where the weather is generally cloudy, or if you cannot go out in the sun because of your work, you can use sunlamps. Sunlamps are not used primarily because of the light they bring but because of the UV rays that they provide. You can simply purchase a sunlamp and use it for a period to get your regular dose of ultraviolet light. Just make sure that you have consulted a physician first so that you will know how long you should expose your skin to the lamp.

Tip # 3. Salicylic Acid – If you want to learn how to get rid of psoriasis fast, particularly the flaking, you can apply salicylic acid. Of course, this must be done according to the recommendation of your physician. The peeling agent in this solution will loosen the affected and dead skin cells and promote healthier skin growth. Make sure to use the solution sparingly because it can irritate the surrounding healthy skin.

Tip # 4. Know Your Triggers – Since psoriasis is an auto-immune disease, there are factors that can trigger the skin to reproduce rapidly. It can be a certain food or an activity. If it is food simply do not eat it and if it is an activity, make sure not to do it. It is also important to consult a doctor once you see its symptoms.

Psoriasis is not contagious. It is a good thing because you can rest assured that you will not pass the disease to anybody. The only problem that you will have to face is the flaking and the inflammation on the skin. You can treat psoriasis through the methods that we described. That is the fastest way how to get rid of psoriasis.